Master the media and make it work for you

You’ve built a successful business and have a story to tell, but not enough people have heard of you.

You’re not getting the enquiries and attention you want.

You’ve heard the sound bites – “stories sell”, “every business has a story”, “marketing is storytelling”, but are unsure of what people mean by “your story” (Clue: it’s not your history).

You’re not sure how to get the media attention you deserve or how to work with the media.

You’re not alone.

Full Story Media has seen far too many companies struggling with these issues.

Our answer has been to design a simple, but highly effective process, based on proven principles of brand building, that define and focus on your story – the message you want to get out there.

Work with us and we’ll show you how to put this across to the media so you can gain the recognition and attention you deserve.

We’re Full Story Media and together we can help you to Master the Media. Take a look at others who’ve been on The Chief Storyteller Programme

Want to learn more?

Email Jon at